Hi, Our app uses JSF RI 1.2 that ships with GlassfishV2. There was a fileupload component implemented successfully earlier using the myfaces extension. We had a requirement to do away with html table on a page which was being generated by h:dataTable component. I tried using the x:dataList component to replace the h:dataTable, but it appears that dataList is not able to load the backing bean property (A 'List' object) that is mentioned in its 'value' attribute (throws NPE). If I configure the application to use myfaces implementation of JSF (by setting useMyFaces property to true in sun-web.xml and adding a listener 'org.apache.myfaces.webapp.StartupServletContextListener' in web.xml), then the page works fine for me but then new issues of navigation in other parts of the app start to crop up. Does someone have a workaround for this issue? Does it sound like a configuration/compatibility issue ?