



I'm writing a program in C on windows that needs to run as many threads as available cores. But I dont know how to get the number of cores. Any ideas?

+3  A: 

You can call the GetSystemInfo WinAPI function; it returns a SYSTEM_INFO struct, which has the number of processors (which is the number of cores on a system with multiple core CPUs).

James McNellis
What about systems with multiple multi-core CPUs? I'm pretty sure Windows drills down to that detail somewhere, although I don't know if it matters here.
Matt Olenik
+1  A: 

You can read NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS environment variable.

Josip Medved
It's generally better to call an API function rather than rely on a secondary environment variable (which could be changed by something else before running your program).
Greg Hewgill

Even though the question deals with .NET and yours with C, the basic responses should help:

James Black

exact duplicate :

uni processor or multi processor

Vijay Sarathi