



This is my problem.

I'm using different sql-queries for fetching some people, some come from my database and some come from an external database.

They are all sorted in the same "list", only the difference is, that the people who come from our database will have a different lay-out and there will be less of them in a row (eg. 1 in a row), the list of people who come from the external database will be ordered by 3 (in a row).

How can i implement this using a repeater?

Also, i currently have pagination "options" by using a query with "top 15" in it. But this gives me problems now. How would i fix this?

Any "logical", working alternatives will be appreciated also, but i prefer to keep my current workflow to solve this problem.

Short: - Multiple datasources - Multiple templates for the different datasources (1 in a row, 3 in a row) - Pagination in this problem? -> not correct

Edit: I have read that multiple datasources won't work on a control, but if i'm wrong please correct me. My other question still stands.