Hello all- I have a list of cities, states/provinces, and countries and I need to find their respective timezones easily. Specifically, I need to know which Windows TimeZone they map to. So far this has been a difficult process, because there's no easy way to pass a city to something and get a timezone back (a timezone being an offset and whether or not the timezone supports Daylight Savings Time).
The current flow is to use http://www.batchgeocode.com to get the latitude/longitude of the city (which really calls a Yahoo service) and then call http://www.EarthTools.org to get a timezone letter, which maps to an offset. The problem is the yahoo service will sometimes return a bad longitude/latitude, and earthtools.org doesn't know a lot about DST info so mapping to the correct TimeZone Id is a tedious manual process.
I can't be the first person who has done this- does anybody know of a better way, or some list out there which has the info I need?