




Can someone tell me why the commented line of code (one before last) does not compile? Isn't it the same as the line following it?

public struct OtherStruct
    public int PublicProperty { get; set; }
    public int PublicField;

    public OtherStruct(int propertyValue, int fieldValue)
        : this()
        PublicProperty = propertyValue;
        PublicField = fieldValue;

    public int GetProperty()
        return PublicProperty;
    public void SetProperty(int value)
        PublicProperty = value;

public struct SomeStruct
    public OtherStruct OtherStruct { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        SomeStruct a = new SomeStruct();
        a.OtherStruct.SetProperty(a.OtherStruct.GetProperty() + 1);
+7  A: 

SomeStruct.OtherStruct is a property, returning a value - it's not a variable. This line:


is like calling:


Because the expression a.get_OtherStruct() is a value rather than a variable, it's a bit like doing this:

OtherStruct tmp = a.get_OtherStruct();

Changing the value of PublicProperty in the copy of OtherStruct returned by the property isn't going to change the original value at all. That's almost certainly not your intention. The C# designers foresaw this sort of problem, and managed to prohibit it in many situations.

Note that if OtherStruct were a reference type (a class) instead, then it would be the reference that was copied, not the values within it... so changing tmp.PublicProperty would make a difference. See my article on reference and value types for more information.

Btw, mutable structs like this are generally a really bad idea. They cause all kinds of problems, and hard-to-predict code.

EDIT: In response to your "answer", the two lines aren't the same: the a.OtherStruct property expression isn't the target of an assignment operator or a compound assignment operator.

You can argue that you'd like C# to be defined in a way which would allow this (although I'd still disagree) but the compiler is implementing the specification correctly. See section 10.7.2 of the C# 3.0 spec for more details.

Jon Skeet
I think it may be clearer if you used an example that showed the difference between value types and reference types.
Jeff Yates
@Jeff: I've added a paragraph and a link... hopefully that will do the trick.
Jon Skeet
@Jon: Yup, I think that makes a big difference. It's a good explanation, btw, just think subject can be confusing so every little helps. Cheers.
Jeff Yates
Please see the next answer - I could not fit it into a comment.
I see what you're saying. In the OtherStruct example, a.OtherStruct gets laid on the stack, which yields a copy. While in the SomeStruct example, the set of the PublicProperty is going directly to the variable and not to a copy. That makes sense, thank you.

Apologies for not using a comment, I don't think it will fit. Jon, this is not an actual implementation, I'm just trying to get a deeper understanding of structs, so no worries about me implementing mutable structs :)

Anyway, I'm not sure you are correct. Consider this code, it's almost the same as first example:

public struct SomeStruct
    public int PublicProperty { get; set; }
    public int PublicField;

    public SomeStruct(int propertyValue, int fieldValue)
        : this()
        PublicProperty = propertyValue;
        PublicField = fieldValue;

    public int GetProperty()
        return PublicProperty;
    public void SetProperty(int value)
        PublicProperty = value;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        SomeStruct a = new SomeStruct(1, 1);

Now, looking at the msil using ildasm, gives me the following for the Main method:

.method private hidebysig static void Main(string[] args) cil managed



// Code size       45 (0x2d)

.maxstack  3

.locals init ([0] valuetype ConsoleApplication1.SomeStruct a)

IL_0000:  nop

IL_0001:  ldloca.s   a

IL_0003:  ldc.i4.1

IL_0004:  ldc.i4.1

IL_0005:  call       instance void ConsoleApplication1.SomeStruct::.ctor(int32,
IL_000a:  nop

IL_000b:  ldloca.s   a

IL_000d:  dup

IL_000e:  call       instance int32 


IL_0013:  ldc.i4.1

IL_0014:  add

IL_0015:  call       instance void 


IL_001a:  nop

IL_001b:  ldloca.s   a

IL_001d:  ldloca.s   a

IL_001f:  call       instance int32 ConsoleApplication1.SomeStruct::GetProperty()

IL_0024:  ldc.i4.1

IL_0025:  add

IL_0026:  call       instance void ConsoleApplication1.SomeStruct::SetProperty(int32)

IL_002b:  nop

IL_002c:  ret


I apologize for the terrible formatting, I'm not sure how to make it look normal. Anyway, hopefully, you can see that the last 2 lines of code in the main method are actually identical.

Therefore, I would argue that, from the previous post, this line:


Is actually identical to the line after it:

 a.OtherStruct.SetProperty(a.OtherStruct.GetProperty() + 1);

And therefore it seems to me that the first line does not compile simply because the compiler does not support it, not because it is not legal.

What do you think?

This should have been edited into the question instead of added as an answer... anyway, I'll edit my answer appropriately.
Jon Skeet
OK, will remember for next time.