




I am trying to convert an index of 1 to 27 into the corresponding uppercase letter. I know that in C++ I could type this:

char letter = 'A' + (char)(myIndex % 27);

This same code does not work in C#. How can I accomplish this task in C#?

EDIT: I'd rather not have to encode an enum or switch statement for this if there is a better mathematical solution like the one above.

+3  A: 
char letter = (char)('A' + (myIndex-1)%26);

(edit out magic number, adjusted indices)

Sorry, -1 for magic numbers
Matti Virkkunen
Oh, right. '%26'. Thanks. I guess I was making that one harder than it needed to be.
Mike Webb
+2  A: 

In C#, you'll have to do your casting slightly differently:

char letter = (char)('A' + (myIndex % 27));

However, your math might also be wrong, and this is probably closer to what you actually want:

char letter = (char)('A' + ((myIndex - 1) % 26));
Matti Virkkunen
%27 is wrong, should be 26 :-) There are only 26 letters in Latin alphabet.
I kind of copied that from the original code... he says he has an index from 1 to 27 anyways. Of course, to get the correct latin letter he should do ('A' + (char)((myIndex - 1) % 26))
Matti Virkkunen
Indeed, I see. With 26 should work better.
Why not correct the answer?
Because I'm not quite sure what OP wants exactly. At least this solves the problem with casting.
Matti Virkkunen
+5  A: 

When you add (or subtract) two characters, you get an Int32 in C#. This will work:

int letter = 'A' + (char)(myIndex % 27);

If you want a char, you need to explicitly cast it again:

char letter = (char) ('A' + (char)(myIndex % 27));

However, this most likely should actually be:

char letter = (char) ('A' + (char)((myIndex - 1) % 26));
Reed Copsey
you should s/27/26/g
Yes, but I wanted to do the equivelent of the OP's code.
Reed Copsey
@Vlad: You like that better?
Reed Copsey
Yes. Even better would be s/myIndex/(myIndex - 1)/ :-)

This should work...

byte upperA = 65;
byte index = 1;

char letter = (char)(upperA + (index % 27));


I also like Reed's answer.

+3  A: 

Here is a table driven solution:

char ToUpperChar(int index)
    if (index < 1 || index > 26)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

    return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[index-1]; // took out the % - it's range-checked above.
+1 for a more original approach. so many type-castings were getting boring ;) And it's purely mathematical since array indexing is syntax sugar for pointer arithmetics.

How about an extension method?

    public static int Index(this char letter)
        const int offset = 64;
        if(letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z')
            return (Convert.ToInt32(letter) - offset);
        return 0;

//usage... char letter = 'A'; int index = letter.Index();

Sorry! Wrong way. Try this... public static char CharToIndex(this int number) { const int offset = 64; if ( number >= 1 return '\0'; } // Usage ... int i=1; char c = i.CharToIndex();