



I am writing an add-in for Expression Web 3 in VS2008

The solution has a Windows Installer setup project in which the ApplicationFolder is tagged to hold some ancillary files.

I need to be able to access those files during the add-in's startup, but naturally the Application object as well as the AppDomain reference paths to Expression Web not to the Add-In.

There is a tickle in the back of my head that the solution involves reflection but thats as far as I can get... has anyone dealt with this or have any suggestions?


If your addin's assembly is in the same place as the files you want to get to, you could try:

string assemblyPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
string containgFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath);

You could then get at whatever files you want from containingFolder.

thanks but still a bit of a struggle as during debug the assemblyPath is to \myVisualStudioProjectPath\bin\debug rather than the path selected at installation time.That makes technical sense but doesn;t quite get what I need...