This has got to be something I just missed, but how do I add a tool tip to a label?
I saw something on the web about handling the mouse hover event, but how would I even handle it in code?
This has got to be something I just missed, but how do I add a tool tip to a label?
I saw something on the web about handling the mouse hover event, but how would I even handle it in code?
Add in your form the TooTip from the ToolBox than click once in your label and you'll see ToolTip in the property box.
Drop the TOOLTIP control onto your form. At that point, a ToolTip attribute appears in the Label's properties in the Designer (and is accessible in the code)
Don't you just drop a ToolTip on a form, and then select the label and set the "Tooltip on Tooltip1" property? At least I remember doing it that way, or something very close to it.
Programmatically from MSDN:
System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip ToolTip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();
ToolTip1.SetToolTip(this.textBox1, "Hello");
button = new Button();
button.Content = "Hover over me.";
tt = new ToolTip();
tt.Content = "Created with C#";
button.ToolTip = tt;