



Question is in title. 3.0 or 4.0?


Visual Studio 2010 will respect your target. If you set it to 3.5, it'll compile in 3.5.

3.5, there's no such version of the C# compiler
Darin Dimitrov
3.5 is a framework version, not the compiler version.
Aen Sidhe
Oops. My bad. Sorry.
+5  A: 

It will use the C# 4 compiler, so you can still use (some) C# 4 features.

If you want to restrict yourself to C# 3, click on the Advanced button in the project properties Build tab (bottom right) and you can choose the language version you want to use.

Jon Skeet
@Jon, if it uses the C# 4.0 compiler how it will interpret the `dynamic` keyword when targeting .NET 3.5? I suppose it will generate a compile error as the class is not defined?
Darin Dimitrov
@Darin: I suspect it will give you an error saying that you can't use `dynamic` against .NET 3.5. Try it :)
Jon Skeet
@Jon, wish I could, currently at 58% downloading VS 2010 Ultimate :-)
Darin Dimitrov
Did I undestand you correctly: even if I restrict myself by a language version option, it'll be compiled by 4.0 compiler but with additional restrictions?
Aen Sidhe
@Aen: Yes. This is like specifying the /langversion flag on the command line.
Jon Skeet