



Can we find all tables in the msaccess using sql .

as we do in sqlserver

select * from sys.tables  

in sqlite

SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table' 
+3  A: 

Use MSysObjects

SELECT * FROM MSysObjects WHERE Type=1 AND Flags=0
Alex K.
+1  A: 

Ms Access has several system tables that are, by default, hidden from tables list. You can show them.

In Ms Access 2007 do a right click on tables list and select Navigation Options. At the bottom of the form you will find Show System Objects check box. Check it and system tables will show up in tables list. They all start with MSys.
Alternatively, options form can be activated from application menu - click button Access options -> select Current Database and there is Navigation Options button.

Now you can examine structure and contents and generate queries of all system tables with MsAccess tools.

As Alex answered, table information is in MSysObjects
