Visual Studio 2008 devenv
keeps a list of projects for which one has answered Load project normally
in the Security Warning for
ProjectName ... The ProjectName project file has been customised and could present a security risk by executing custom build steps...
dialog in the registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\MSBuild\SafeImports
Is there any way to e.g. add a wildcard whitelist entry and/or disable this security warning on a global basis, (ideally via a VS Tools|Options dialog page) ?
PS For bingoogleability:- OR `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\MSBuild\SafeImports
PS I believe VS2010 cures this and there's a VS2005 era connect issue where people were going to make msbuild files signeable etc, but I'm on 08 for the moment.
(NB There's a duplicate question or two which conflate issues of untrusted locations and wakcy startup directories. This is not that complex case - I am adding a single normal unblocked .csproj into a normal unblocked .sln which happens to Import something from the same normally permissioned directory tree structure. I'm only interested in this simplest case of this condition.)