i'm developing a sharepoint portal, and i want to force a portal culture to 'pt-PT', i already installed the moss and wss language packs and i changed the web.config too with the following statment: but if i set the browser language to other language the controls change their culture (this only occurs in portal frontoffice, in backoffice the culture is always pt). What i have to do to fix this problem?
You can write a HttpModule which will switch the culture of the executing HttpContext early in the page lifecycle.
BTW I'm just wondering what you mean when you say portal frontoffice vs backoffice.
Paul Lucas
2010-04-14 03:17:52
When I refer to portal frontoffice is the pages that are accessible to the public (anonymous user) with a custom masterpage. The backoffice is all sharepoint's management pages. I understand your sugestion, but this should not be possible without having to write code? Just with configurations?
2010-04-14 15:00:38
OK... As far as I know, the culture of a site is set when you create the site. If you have language packs installed, you create a site and specify what language that site is going to use. From that point, the site is always bound to that language, regardless of the user's browser setting.
Paul Lucas
2010-04-14 15:50:22