



hello, I have a form that uses Richtexteditor of Flex3 to write in their reply. The reply is then posted to a textarea, where all of the formatting is lost! I have embedded the font since I was doing some tweeening on the text boxes. I need to find out how keep the formatting intact in the textarea from richtexteditor! has anybody an idea?


Make sure that you set the htmlText property on the TextArea, not just text.

Josh Knauer
thank josh, but i dont get it, what I dont have any htmltext, I just have normal text is being typed into Richtexteditor, and then later I take its contents and write them to a TextArea, but during the process formatting is lost! :(
Ali Syed
.text returns the contents without any html markup included. .htmlText returns the contents with html mark up. Try out htmlText to see what I mean.
Josh Knauer
thanks a lotttttt man! that really helped! but now I have problem with embedding! if I don't embed the text wont "appear" with the panel. If i do embed the text then the text wont appear at all!
Ali Syed
You'll have to be a little more specific. I'm not sure what you mean by "embedding". Maybe update your question with some sample code?
Josh Knauer
So.. here goes:if i comment out this line://this.body.setStyle("fontFamily" , "regularFont");then the showeffect doesn't apply to the font! it appears in perfect formatting but it doesn't fade in with the rest of the TextArea! it just appears!
Ali Syed
body being the textArea
Ali Syed
Sorry Ali, I'm still not sure what you mean. You have a different problem with animation and fonts? Maybe start another question with more code?
Josh Knauer
ok I will thank you so very much! cheers! I hereby pronounce this thread dead :P
Ali Syed