



Can anyone enlighten me why the following won't work?

$ groups
  staff btgroup
$ ls -l
  total 64
  -rw-rw----    1 sld248   btgroup       26840 Apr 02 13:39 padaddwip.jks
  -rwxrwx---    1 sld248   btgroup        1324 Apr 02 13:39 padaddwip.ksh
$ ./padaddwip.ksh
  ksh: ./padaddwip.ksh:  not found.
$ echo $?

This is nearly identical to another script which works just fine. I can't see any differences between the two in terms of permissions or ownership.

thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

just a guess, check your shebang in padaddwip.ksh. it should be something like #!/bin/ksh. If not, use which ksh to see where your ksh is installed. Alternatively, you can execute your script by calling the interpreter(ksh) eg

$ /bin/ksh padaddwip.ksh

another way you can do is changing your shebang to #!/usr/bin/env ksh

Also, make sure the user executing the script has its primary group as btgroup

First line of script shows: #!/bin/kshAnd 'which ksh' shows: /usr/bin/ksh
Chris Knight
then why don't you try changing your shebang to that of `/usr/bin/ksh` and see.
Thanks ghostdog74, I think your recommendation will work. Interestingly, the output of /bin/ksh padaddwip.ksh is: $ /bin/ksh padaddwip.ksh padaddwip.ksh[13]: ^M: not found. padaddwip.ksh[14]: ^M: not found. padaddwip.ksh[17]: ^M: not found. Logging all output to padaddwip.log ....Is it these ^M characters which are causing the issue?
Chris Knight
ah, then you should remove those `^M` using tools like `dos2unix`
+1  A: 

There may be 2 problems:

  • Shebang line is wrong (as ghostdog alluded to)

  • The script was saved from Windows and has DOS line endings.

Foe the latter, do

head padaddwip.ksh | cat -vet | head -1

The command should produce the shebang line NOT ending with "^M". If it does end with "^M" that's a DOS-encoded file, and the fix is:

cp padaddwip.ksh padaddwip.ksh.bak
dos2unix padaddwip.ksh.bak > padaddwip.ksh

On systems without dos2unix, you can use

cat padaddwip.ksh.bak | tr -d "\r" > padaddwip.ksh
OK, thanks DVK, I think you're right. My other script which works does not have the ^M at the end of each line, but the script which doesn't work does have the ^M at the end of each line. Unfortunately, dos2unix isn't installed on my AIX server (and I don't have root priviledges). I shall pester the powers that be. Is there a way to FTP a file to an AIX server which would strip/convert correctly?
Chris Knight
@Chris - Yes. Set "ascii" mode in FTP
@Chris - also, in the abscence of dos2unix, just run `cat padaddwip.ksh.bak | tr -d "\r" > padaddwip.ksh`
Fantastic, thanks
Chris Knight
+1  A: 

Another way to rid your scripts of the annoying ^M characters would be to open the file in vi and type :%s/^M//g (sed within vi) where the ^M here is created by typing Ctrl-V then Ctrl-M. I personally like this method because you don't need to create a backup file and you instantly see the results -just an OCD habit of mine-

Also, I have had some weird problems with using tr and control characters such as \r it may have been a shell or site-specific issue, but in such cases I needed to use either the above method or sed from the command line...very to similar what DVK shows above; like sed -e 's/^M//g' padaddwip.ksh.bak > padaddwip.ksh where you create the ^M by doing Ctrl-V then Ctrl-M (when in vi editor mode).

I'll admit to not knowing VI at all, but thanks for the useful response.
Chris Knight

the shebang is bad.

test the scenario with the shell interpreter on the cmdline.

ksh padaddwip.ksh

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