How can I convert @lastEndTime to a string formated YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MS
DECLARE @lastEndTime datetime
How can I convert @lastEndTime to a string formated YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MS
DECLARE @lastEndTime datetime
Really horribly, to get a precise format you have to use the datepart function and build it up.
select datepart(yyyy, @lastEndTime) + '-' + datepart(mm, @lastEndTime) + '-' + datepart(dd, @lastEndTime) +' ' + datepart(hh, @lastEndTime) + ':' + datepart(mm, @lastEndTime) + ':' + datepart(ss, @lastEndTime) + '.' + datepart(ms,@lastEndTime)
You could define it as a function for ease of use though.
Edit - as someone has pointed out, this format happens to be a standard - ODBC canonical so
CONVERT(CHAR(23), @lastEndTime, 121)
should do it.
Check the MSDN Books Online documentation for CAST and CONVERT - it has a complete list of all supported, built-in date formats that you can use with CONVERT.
will convert today's date and time to a string in the format mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM)
If your string does not match any of those formats, then you either have to
function to extract bits and pieces of your DATETIME and concatenate that together manuallyDECLARE @lastEndTime datetime set @lastEndTime = getdate()
select convert(varchar,@lastEndTime,121)
For more style