I'm developing a C# web application in VS 2008. I let the user select an input file and then I store the file path in a string variable. However, it stores this path as "C:\\folder\\..."
. So my question is how do I convert this file path into single "\"?
Thank you guys for all your helps! Please forgive me as I am a newbie to ASP.NET development. This is more of my code in context. First I want to see if the directory exists. I guess I don't have to check this if I check if the file exists. But this should still work right? And currently my "path" string variable is not showing up the way I need it to. I'm not sure how to formulate this statement. Eventually I want to execute the ReadAllText statement (see the last line).
protected void btnAppend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string fullpath = Page.Request.PhysicalPath;
string fullPath2 = fullpath.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
if (!Directory.Exists(fullpath2))
string msg = "<h1>The upload path doesn't exist: {0}</h1>";
Response.Write(String.Format(msg, fullpath2));
string path = "@" + fullpath2 + uploadFile.PostedFile.FileName;
if (File.Exists(path))
// Create a file to write to.
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
string s = "";
while(sr.Peek() > 0)
s = sr.ReadLine();
catch (IOException exc)
Console.WriteLine(exc.Message + "Cannot open file.");
if (uploadFile.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)
inputfile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);