Hello, I have a Path in WPF and I'd like to get the single points of this path. Is this somehow possible? (I used a WPF built-in PathSegment and I'd like to get the points that WPF calculated)
Thanks for any hint!
Hello, I have a Path in WPF and I'd like to get the single points of this path. Is this somehow possible? (I used a WPF built-in PathSegment and I'd like to get the points that WPF calculated)
Thanks for any hint!
Geometry.GetFlattenedPathGeometry returns "a polygonal approximation of the Geometry object." You can then iterate over the figures and segments of the flattened Geometry: each figure should consist of a single PolyLineSegment, from which you can iterate over the Points property to get the points along the path. Thus:
PathGeometry g = Path.Data.GetFlattenedPathGeometry();
foreach (var f in g.Figures)
foreach (var s in f.Segments)
if (s is PolyLineSegment)
foreach (var pt in ((PolyLineSegment)s).Points)