



I just did a fresh installation of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and ReSharper 5. But now ran into the following situation;

return View("~/Plugin/Plugin.Product.dll/Plugin.Product.Views.CreateProduct.ascx");

From a controller i'm returning a view a shown above. ReSharper 5 is trying to resolve this view, but can't find it. Which is explainable in my situation. What i want is to disable the option for ReSharper to try and resolve the views. Is this possible?

+3  A: 

First, you can disable ASP.NET MVC resolving at all. See ReSharper->Options->ASP.NET.

Second, you can disable resolving exactly in that place, where you don't need it by special comment. See Quick Fix available on unresolved view.

Thanks for your response. Was able to disable it by clicking the ReSharper simbol at the beginning of the line and then choose 'Inspection Options'