Hi, I'm having difficults I believe with a * character being in my OU when I'm doing a search. The OU group is called WorldWide Offices.
I have a looping query that returns all the users who are in a given group. So I type in a group name, and this brings me back a group. Then I loop through the group.members.
These members will either be a user or another group. So if it's not a user I would then loop through again to check if it's a group. The members of the group are always the DistinguishedName, and that's all I have to search on.
I'm having a current user with the DistinguishedName as CN=Smith\, John a.,OU=Laptop,OU=Users,OU=London DC,OU=UK,OU=Worldwide Offices,DC=OurDomain,DC=LOCAL.
I'm doing a DirectorySearcher and my filter is
Searcher.Filter = "(&(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computers)))(distinguishedName=CN=Smith\, John a.,OU=Laptop,OU=Users,OU=London DC,OU=UK,OU=*Worldwide Offices*,DC=OurDomain,DC=LOCAL))
As you can see, I think the fact that our OU has * in it's title is the reason why it doesn't find the user. Any other OU that doesn't have a * in it seems to work. Which is why I believe the * is the problem.
Does anyone have any idea how to get around the * problem, apart from renaming the OU?