Hello. I can run RENAME TABLE student TO student_new
The command is same and easy to follow.
Is there a methods to rename a lot of tables in simple command. Assume all the tables belog to the same DB name.
I don't need write a lot of code as below?
RENAME TABLE pre_access TO pre_new_access;
RENAME TABLE pre_activities TO pre_new_activities;
RENAME TABLE pre_activityapplies TO pre_new_activityapplies;
RENAME TABLE pre_adminactions TO pre_new_adminactions;
RENAME TABLE pre_admincustom TO pre_new_admincustom;
RENAME TABLE pre_admingroups TO pre_new_admingroups;
RENAME TABLE pre_adminnotes TO pre_new_adminnotes;
(there are still so many tables need to be renamed)
Update: MySQL Used.