I have inherited an application built using the Microsoft Office Information Bridge Framework 1.6. My task is to make this application work with Office 2010.
I am testing this on a computer with the Office 2010 beta installed, including .NET programmability support for all features. When I try to install IBF 1.6, the installer won't complete, giving me the message:
The following prerequisite components cannot be found:
.NET Programmability Support for Microsoft Office Word 2003
.NET Programmability Support for Microsoft Office Excel 2003
.NET Programmability Support for Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
.NET Programmability Support for Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 SP1
Please install the necessary components and run Microsoft Office Information Bridge Framework installation again.
However, it appears that if I first install Office 2007 on the computer, install IBF, and then upgrade to Office 2010, my application does work.
Is IBF supposed to work with Office 2010? If so, is there a way to make the installer complete on a computer with Office 2010 installed? Or, is this just an issue with the Office beta that will be resolved in the final release? Or, will there be a hotfix to IBF to make it work with Office 2010, similar to how there was a hotfix to make it work with Office 2007?
I have already asked this question on a couple Microsoft forums, including the Office Information Bridge newsgroup, which has pretty much zero traffic, and the Microsoft Office 2010 Beta forum, but haven't gotten an answer yet. I'm hoping some other developers have the same issue and have had better luck, or maybe have ideas about what Microsoft forums might be better places to look for answers.