If you want a store of all of your enums values, you can try the below tables to store enums and their members, and the code snippet to add those values. I'd only do this at install time, however, since those values will never change until you recompile!
DB Table:
create table EnumStore (
EnumKey int NOT NULL identity primary key,
EnumName varchar(100)
create table EnumMember (
EnumMemberKey int NOT NULL identity primary key,
EnumKey int NOT NULL,
EnumMemberValue int,
EnumMemberName varchar(100)
--add code to create foreign key between tables, and index on EnumName, EnumMemberValue, and EnumMemberName
C# Snippet:
void StoreEnum<T>() where T: Enum
Type enumToStore = typeof(T);
string enumName = enumToStore.Name;
int enumKey = DataAccessLayer.CreateEnum(enumName);
foreach (int enumMemberValue in Enum.GetValues(enumToStore))
string enumMemberName = Enum.GetName(enumToStore, enumMemberValue);
DataAccessLayer.AddEnumMember(enumKey, enumMemberValue, enumMemberName);