I'd like to write some code that runs a sequence of F# scripts (.fsx). The thing is that I could have literally hundreds of scripts and if I do that:
let shellExecute program args =
let startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
do startInfo.FileName <- program
do startInfo.Arguments <- args
do startInfo.UseShellExecute <- true
do startInfo.WindowStyle <- ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
//do printfn "%s" startInfo.Arguments
let proc = Process.Start(startInfo)
|> Seq.iter (shellExecute "fsi")
it could stress too much my 2GB system. Anyway, I'd like to run scripts by batch of n, which seems also a good exercise for learning Async
(I guess it's the way to go).
I have started to write some code for that but unfortunately it doesn't work:
open System.Diagnostics
let p = shellExecute "fsi" @"C:\Users\Stringer\foo.fsx"
async {
let! exit = Async.AwaitEvent p.Exited
do printfn "process has exited"
|> Async.StartImmediate
foo.fsx is just a hello world script. What would be the most idiomatic way of solving this problem?
I'd like also to figure out if it's doable to retrieve a return code for each executing script and if not, find another way. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for your insights and links! I've learned a lot.
I just want to add some code for running batchs in parallel using Async.Parallel
as Tomas suggested it. Please comment if there is a better implementation for my cut
module Seq =
/// Returns a sequence of sequences of N elements from the source sequence.
/// If the length of the source sequence is not a multiple
/// of N, last element of the returned sequence will have a length
/// included between 1 and N-1.
let cut (count : int) (source : seq<´T>) =
let rec aux s length = seq {
if (length < count) then yield s
yield Seq.take count s
if (length <> count) then
yield! aux (Seq.skip count s) (length - count)
aux source (Seq.length source)
let batchCount = 2
let filesPerBatch =
let q = (scripts.Length / batchCount)
q + if scripts.Length % batchCount = 0 then 0 else 1
let batchs =
|> Seq.cut filesPerBatch
|> Seq.map Seq.toList
|> Seq.map loop
Async.RunSynchronously (Async.Parallel batchs) |> ignore
So I had some troubles to get Tomas's guard code working. I guess the f
function had to be called in AddHandler
method, otherwise we loose the event for ever... Here's the code:
module Event =
let guard f (e:IEvent<´Del, ´Args>) =
let e = Event.map id e
{ new IEvent<´Args> with
member this.AddHandler(d) = e.AddHandler(d); f() //must call f here!
member this.RemoveHandler(d) = e.RemoveHandler(d); f()
member this.Subscribe(observer) =
let rm = e.Subscribe(observer) in f(); rm }
The interesting thing (as mentioned by Tomas) is that it looks like the Exited
event is stored somewhere when the process terminates, even though the process has not started with EnableRaisingEvents
set to true.
When this property is finally set to true, the event is fired up.
Since I'm not sure that this is the official specification (and also a bit paranoid), I found another solution that consists in starting the process in the guard
function, so we ensure that the code will work on whichever situation:
let createStartInfo program args =
new ProcessStartInfo
(FileName = program, Arguments = args, UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal,
RedirectStandardOutput = true)
let createProcess info =
let p = new Process()
do p.StartInfo <- info
do p.EnableRaisingEvents <- true
let rec loop scripts = async {
match scripts with
| [] -> printfn "FINISHED"
| script::scripts ->
let args = sprintf "\"%s\"" script
let p = createStartInfo "notepad" args |> createProcess
let! exit =
|> Event.guard (fun () -> p.Start() |> ignore)
|> Async.AwaitEvent
let output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
do printfn "\nPROCESSED: %s, CODE: %d, OUTPUT: %A"script p.ExitCode output
return! loop scripts
Notice I've replaced fsi.exe by notepad.exe so I can replay different scenarios step by step in the debugger and control explicitly the exit of the process myself.