The junction table is the way to go. If a news article is about more than one game, then you need it. To handle games that do not exist yet, just insert a row for them, include all the info you currently know about it (possibly from the news article) and have a status column that marks it as not released yet. You can display this game as not released yet or rumor, etc.
set the tables up something like this:
GameID int not null auto increment PK
GameStatus char(1) not null "P"=published, "N"=not released yet, "R"=game is only a rumor
GameReleaseDate date null
GameName varchar(...) not null
NewsID int not null auto increment PK
NewsTitle varchar(...) not null
GameNewsID int auto increment PK
GameID int FK to Games.GameID
NewsID int FK to News.NewsID
With this setup you can have multiple games related to a single News item. Just insert all the proper GameNews rows to link each game to the News row.
If a game has not been published yet, you can still link it to news by creating the Games row with the status "N" or "R" (or something like that) and using the GameNews table just as you would for a published game. You could populate all the fields within Games with as much info as possible and update it as you find out more. in the end you would have complete game info in the Games row (after the game is published) and it would link to the all the News rows, even when it was just a rumor in the news.
To give you an idea about what I'm talking about, here is a sample of what the data for a "rumored" game would look like over time (this is a simplified example and without multiple Games per News rows):
data as of 1/1/2010
Games GameID GameStatus GameReleaseDate GameName
1234 "R" 1/1/2012 "God of War 4"
News NewsID NewsTitle
543 "Future Of Games"
GameNews GameNewsID GameID NewsID
768 1234 543
data as of 4/1/2010
Games GameID GameStatus GameReleaseDate GameName
1234 "R" 1/1/2012 "God of War 4"
News NewsID NewsTitle
543 "Future Of Games"
544 "Interview with John Hight"
GameNews GameNewsID GameID NewsID
768 1234 543
769 1234 544
data as of 11/20/2010
Games GameID GameStatus GameReleaseDate GameName
1234 "N" 12/31/2011 "God of War IV"
News NewsID NewsTitle
543 "Future Of Games"
544 "Interview with John Hight"
545 "God of War Expected Next Year"
GameNews GameNewsID GameID NewsID
768 1234 543
769 1234 544
770 1234 545
data as of 8/15/2011
Games GameID GameStatus GameReleaseDate GameName
1234 "N" 12/01/2011 "God of War IV"
News NewsID NewsTitle
543 "Future Of Games"
544 "Interview with John Hight"
545 "God of War Expected Next Year"
546 "Retailers Get Ready For New Games"
GameNews GameNewsID GameID NewsID
768 1234 543
769 1234 544
770 1234 545
771 1234 546
data as of 1/1/2012
Games GameID GameStatus GameReleaseDate GameName
1234 "P" 12/01/2011 "God of War IV"
News NewsID NewsTitle
543 "Future Of Games"
544 "Interview with John Hight"
545 "God of War Expected Next Year"
546 "Retailers Get Ready For New Games"
547 "God of War IV Review"
GameNews GameNewsID GameID NewsID
768 1234 543
769 1234 544
770 1234 545
771 1234 546
772 1234 547
if on 1/1/2012 you were to look at News.NewsID=543 you would see that it links to the complete and reviewed Games.GameID=1234, even though the News.NewsID=543 article is about a "rumored" upcoming version of God of War. And all this was done without making any changes to the old News or GameNews rows.