Can someone provide me with an optimize .htaccess configuration that handles compression, browser caching, proxy caching, etc. for a typical website?
Aside from my visitors, I'm also trying to make Google PageSpeed happy.
Can someone provide me with an optimize .htaccess configuration that handles compression, browser caching, proxy caching, etc. for a typical website?
Aside from my visitors, I'm also trying to make Google PageSpeed happy.
I have the following in a yslow_optimizations.conf file I include into my apache conf files, I think they should work Ok in an .htaccess file too:
# disable ETags
FileETag none
# GZip css, js
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css application/javascript application/x-javascript
# set expires into the future
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
There's more that could be added to it I'm sure, but it's a start.