



How do you execute a Sikuli script from an AppleScript?

+1  A: 

I downloaded Sikuli and it doesn't appear to be a scriptable application, so the short answer here is "You can't". At the same time, you can try interface scripting to kludge your way through it, but that's always wonky.

But to address another aspect of your question: Do you know about Dictionaries in Applescript? If an application is scriptable with Applescript, the Dictionary will tell you everything it is capable of. They are a required part of an AS implementation and can tell you in a matter of minutes almost everything you need to know (though each application carries their own caveats).

Philip Regan
Yes, I do know about dictionaries. Thanks!
Mark Szymanski
+1  A: 

It's possible to execute shell commands from AppleScript:

do shell script ("/Applications/ -r xxxx.sikuli --args a1 a2 a3")

See the "command line tool" documentation here:

Roy Tinker