



Alex Papadimoulis' Smart Paster is a great little tool that can paste text in programmer-friendly ways (e.g. as a StringBuilder, as a language-specific string literal, etc.). However, it doesn't seem to be available for VS2010.

Anyone know of a similar extension or of plans to port Smart Paster?

+1  A: 

I don't know, though I doubt there would be much, if any, work in updating it for VS2010. The command system is essentially unchanged. It looks like Alex has source available, so you could try just downloading the VS2008 source and rebuilding.

Updating the extension may result in a simpler source in terms of package management (VSIX files) and the new .pkgdef files (for editing the registry), but what's there may just work to a significant degree without any changes.

Noah Richards
+1  A: 

Posted here. I've modified slightly the one here (it didn't compile as it was):


I made some changes to the smartpaster for so it works for both languages (C# and VB) in Visual Studio 2010.

I just do not know where to upload it for the public
