



I know that it's a common convention to pass the length of dynamically allocated arrays to functions that manipulate them:

void initializeAndFree(int* anArray, size_t length);

int main(){
    size_t arrayLength = 0;
    scanf("%d", &arrayLength);
    int* myArray = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*arrayLength);

    initializeAndFree(myArray, arrayLength);

void initializeAndFree(int* anArray, size_t length){
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        anArray[i] = 0;

but if there's no way for me to get the length of the allocated memory from a pointer, how does free() "automagically" know what to deallocate when all I'm giving it is the very same pointer? Why can't I get in on the magic, as a C programmer?

Where does free() get its free (har-har) knowledge from?

+7  A: 

You can't get it because the C committee did not require that in the standard.

If you are willing to write some non-portable code, you may have luck with:

*((size_t *)ptr - 1)

or maybe:

*((size_t *)ptr - 2)

But whether that works will depend on exactly where the implementation of malloc you are using stores that data.

R Samuel Klatchko
I would simplify to `((size_t *)ptr)[-1]` personally.
Chris Lutz
@Chris Lutz: What does [-1] indicate?
Chris Cooper
It's pretending the pointer is an array, and indexing the element one before the start.
Simon Buchan
@Simon: Oops. *DUH*. Thanks. I thought that was declaring a type. I think my eyes kind of glazed over when I saw all the *'s and ('s. =P
Chris Cooper
+21  A: 

Besides Klatchko's correct point that the standard does not provide for it, real malloc/free implementations often allocate more space then you ask for. E.g. if you ask for 12 bytes it may provide 16 (see A Memory Allocator, which notes that 16 is a common size). So it doesn't need to know you asked for 12 bytes, just that it gave you a 16-byte chunk.

Matthew Flaschen
But what about C++? In C++ the runtime knows the actual size when allocating with `new type[n]` as it calls n constructors for `delete []`?
Viktor Sehr
@Viktor It doesn't need to store the size for primitive types or types with a empty destructor.
@Yacoby: true, still it doesn't answer my question
Viktor Sehr
Viktor, so your question is why doesn't C++ doesn't provide a way to get the number of elements in an array, when all the elements have non-empty destructors? Probably because it would be somewhat confusing (you have to know implementation details for a class to know if the function is safe), and isn't a necessary feature. But this deserves its own question (which may already exist).
Matthew Flaschen
+2  A: 

It's up to the malloc implementor how to store this data. Most often, the length is stored directly in front of the allocated memory (that is, if you want to allocate 7 bytes, 7+x bytes are allocated in reality where the x additional bytes are used to store the metadata). Sometimes, the metadata is both stored before and after the allocated memory to check for heap corruptions. But the implementor can as well choose to use an extra data structure to store the metadata.

I believe the length must be stored at the front. You need to know the size of the buffer to know where to find any trailing metadata. If the size is in the trailing metadata, you have a chicken/egg problem in getting to that data.
R Samuel Klatchko
You are right, I will correct this.
+4  A: 

A non-standard way is to use _msize(). Using this function will make your code unportable. Also the documentation is not very clear on wheteher it will return the number passed into malloc() or the real block size (might be greater).

+5  A: 

While it is possible to get the meta-data that the memory allocator places preceding the allocated block, this would only work if the pointer is truly a pointer to a dynamically allocated block. This would seriously affect the utility of function requiring that all passed arguments were pointers to such blocks rather than say a simple auto or static array.

The point is there is no portable way from inspection of the pointer to know what type of memory it points to. So while it is an interesting idea, it is not a particularly safe proposition.

A method that is safe and portable would be to reserve the first word of the allocation to hold the length. GCC (and perhaps some other compilers) supports a non-portable method of implementing this using a structure with a zero length array which simplifies the code somewhat compared to a portable solution:

typedef tSizedAlloc
    size_t length ;
    char* alloc[0] ;   // Compiler specific extension!!!
} ;

// Allocating a sized block
tSizedAlloc* blk = malloc( sizeof(tSizedAlloc) + length ) ;
blk->length = length ;

// Accessing the size and data information of the block
size_t blk_length = blk->length ;
char*  data = blk->alloc ;
+3  A: 

After reading Klatchko's answer, I myself tried it and ptr[-1] indeed stores the actual memory (usually more than the memory we asked for probably to save against segmentation fault).

  char *a = malloc(1);
  printf("%u\n", ((size_t *)a)[-1]);   //prints 17

Trying with different sizes, GCC allocates the memory as follows:

Initially memory allocated is 17 bytes.
The allocated memory is atleast 5 bytes more than requested size, if more is requested, it allocates 8 bytes more.

  • If size is [0,12], memory allocated is 17.
  • If size is [13], memory allocated is 25.
  • If size is [20], memory allocated is 25.
  • If size is [21], memory allocated is 33.
N 1.1
Cool! Thanks very much for the explanation.
Chris Cooper

You can allocate more memory to store size:

void my_malloc(size_t n,size_t size ) 
void *p = malloc( (n * size) + sizeof(size_t) );
if( p == NULL ) return NULL;
*( (size_t*)p) = n;
return (char*)p + sizeof(size_t);
void my_free(void *p)
     free( (char*)p - sizeof(size_t) );
void my_realloc(void *oldp,size_t new_size)
int main(void)
   char *p = my_malloc( 20, 1 );
    printf("%lu\n",(long int) ((size_t*)p)[-1] );
   return 0;