



In a CD collection program, I have each artist's country of origin stored in the main database and want to display a map of the world which:

  1. Colour-codes each country depending on the number of CDs by artists in that country
  2. Allows clicking on each country to filter a list of CDs to only ones by artists in that country

This is a heavily simplified version of what I'm trying to do, but if I can at least get this far the rest should be easy enough to figure out. So far the closest thing I've found to what I'm trying to do is here:

Ideally I don't want to be embedding Flash in my program though, and the only other solutions I've found all involve SVG which I haven't managed to get working in practice outside of a web browser control (and I DEFINITELY don't want to be embedding a browser in the forms). Something in pure managed code and either GDI+ or WPF would be preferable. Are there any existing components that would get me started, or can anyone suggest how to approach it from scratch?


Have you considered XNA? It runs in the .NET environment, but more like a game than a winform (pretty close, though). Check out this thread.

Kyle J V
