




I was looking into the best encryption for a license key for an application, and someone said that someone can easily decompile the application and then just skip the test for the license key.

how would someone go about doing that practically speaking? So they have my .dll, they have to decompile it somehow, then comment out the function call to check the license, then recompile it? The decompiler has to be really good such that the code still compiles!

+19  A: 

Try opening your application with Reflector. You will probably be surprised :-)

And once a cracker has located the right location in your code, they can use a combination of ildasm/ilasm to remove the check from your application - even if the code Reflector generates won't compile.

Rasmus Faber
Rasmus, I'm not sure I understand. How will using ildasm/ilasm remove a check, will it alter the original .dll or create a new one?
It allows you to decompile an assembly, edit an IL call and recompile it. Similarly you can open up the app in something like IDA Pro, follow the program logic (in conjection with the help of a reflector) and flip a bit to disable license protection.
So we'll essentially get to the piece of code that verifies the license key, IsValid() and simply make it always return true, regardless of what the license is.
Trying to beat the crackers isn't going to work, they will win every time. You just want to win versus the average guy/casual user. The software industry learned that long ago
+1  A: 

.NET is super easy to decompile. Obfuscation will make it a little harder to understand what's going on, but someone decompiling your code can still figure it out if they are persistent.

Here is some advice on protecting your .NET code that I found online:

Just note that none of the techniques discussed are 100% effective, its just a question of how many hoops you'll make the cracker jump through.

Giovanni Galbo
Did anybody read that last line the way I did???
Which way did you read what last line? ;-)
Yes, I was also confused by the last line... I've been told crackers can't jump in general
+11  A: 

.NET compilation in general is pretty easy: to get a feel for this yourself, just grab a copy of .NET Reflector and give it a try.

In most cases, there will be no need to recompile the code in order to remove a simple license check: simply patching the MSIL will do the trick.

Protecting yourself against this scenario yields rapidly diminishing returns: there will always be someone clever enough to bypass whatever additional checks you add to your code. For example, you could add a digital signature to your code, and refuse to run of the signature doesn't match (indicating the code has been tampered with, for example to remove the license check).

The game then becomes to remove the signature check (in addition to the license key check). So you add another check, which can then be bypassed, et cetera, ad infinitum.

There's a whole industry of code obfuscatation and copy protection tools to help you defend your software against issues like this. It's up to you to decide if the additional effort on your side, and the annoyance you'll cause your legitimate customers, is worth buying into these solutions...

+1  A: 

If this is something you're looking to defend against, you may want to read up on how to attack it.

Exploiting Software by Greg Holland & Gary McGraw is an excellent introduction.

Gavin Miller
+2  A: 

Josh Smith also released Crack.NET recently which can be used to attach to a running .NET process, and then open that up in Reflector - so even if the assemblies on disk are encrypted somehow (to avoid people using Reflector to get at them), they'll still be able to use the in-memory versions


It is best not to go overboard on licence key technology. Whatever you do can be hacked by a determined user and you run the bigger risk of adding issues that stop legitimate users using your application. I have even seen code that was protected with Hasp Dongles get cracked. Encrypting your licence key and obfuscating your code should be enough to hinder opportunist attacks, there is little point going beyond that.

Eric Sink wrote a good article covering this point see section "4. Don't Annoy Honest People" of "Tenets of Transparency"

Martin Brown

Even without Reflector, people have been doing this for ages. Basically you watch the app with a debugger - something like WinDBG will do - and then find out when the license check happens. You watch the return value, and then you simply patch the application to jump directly to the "all good" check.

I'd recommend everything that people have posted above. You just have to realize that it is a cat and mouse game, and if your return on investment is going to be worth it. If you have users that aren't trying to game the system, then something simple may do. If you have something where cracking is rampant, then you will have to look at different strategies and go from there.

You don't have to recompile the application to patch it - plenty of binary patch tools exist out there. And it won't stop your most determined crackers if there is enough money to be made.

Cory Foy