For this, you gain nothing by writing 64-bit code -- you might as well stick to 32-bit code.
If you want output to a MessageBox, it could look like this:
.MODEL flat, stdcall
MessageBoxA PROTO near32 stdcall, window:dword, text:near32,
windowtitle:near32, style:dword
.stack 8192
message db "Hello World!", 0
windowtitle db "Win32 Hello World.", 0
main proc
invoke MessageBoxA, 0, near32 ptr message, near32 ptr windowtitle, 0
main endp
end main
If you want output to the console, it's (strangely enough) a bit more complex:
.MODEL flat, stdcall
getstdout = -11
WriteFile PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, \
handle:dword, \
buffer:ptr byte, \
bytes:dword, \
written: ptr dword, \
overlapped: ptr byte
GetStdHandle PROTO NEAR32, device:dword
ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32, exitcode:dword
.stack 8192
message db "Hello World!"
msg_size equ $ - offset message
written dd ?
main proc
invoke GetStdHandle, getstdout
invoke WriteFile, \
eax, \
offset message, \
msg_size, \
offset written, \
invoke ExitProcess, 0
main endp
end main
In theory, moving to 64 bit code doesn't make a lot of difference -- for example, you can use the same functions in both. In reality, it's a bit painful, because the calling convention for 64-bit code is somewhat complex, and you can't use MASM's invoke
for 64-bit code. Working code wouldn't be a whole lot more complex, but getting the code working probably would be a bit more work. The general idea is that for 64-bit code, you allocate space on the stack for all your parameters, but the first N parameters that are small enough to fit, go in registers.