



Possible Duplicate:
how to write hello world in assembler under windows?

I've often heard of applications written using the language of the gods, assembly language. I've never tried though, and I don't even have a clue how to do it.

If I wanted to dabble, how would I go about doing it? I know absolutely nothing about what is required, although presumably some kind of compiler and Notepad.

Just purely out of curiousity, what would I need to write a "Hello World!" application?

Edit to add, I am running Windows 7 64bit

Edit to add, I wonder if there is an assembly language plugin for Visual Studio?

+1  A: 

See here.

You can also google you know :)

This seems to be for people running unix
Maybe he bing'ed it and found nothing ;-)
@SLC there was no OS requirement when I read the question
+2  A: 

I know nothing about assembly, but I know google!


for win32:

lol extraneon you beat me to it :)
I'm running windows like most developers, does UNIX apply to me? I didn't think it did.
you could try nasm32:
"I'm running windows like most developers". Best joke I heard today.
What OS you running graphicdivine? Wouldn't be... windows... would it? On account of all your IE answers...
updated answer with "win32 asm hello world"
@graphicdivine... maybe you're confusing "developers" with "people who do coding in their bedroom". In the real world, Windows is used for writing most applications, because most applications people actually use are Windows applications.
@John: you're confusing "most applications" with "most developers" There isn't a linear relationship between number of developers on a project and number of applications written. Apache and WinAmp are both applications, but I'd hazard to guess there are a lot more devs working on Apache.
David Oneill
Sorry but you're flat-out wrong. OS/app-size relationships average out, picking one example is irrelevant. You can love linux as much as you want, but the facts are Windows is the default platform for professional software developers just is it is pretty much every other area of computer use. Even if you try to skew it including hobby hackers as well as paid developers, you're not going to get close to 50%.
+2  A: 

Have a look at WinAsm.

Thanks this looks perfect
+4  A: 

For this, you gain nothing by writing 64-bit code -- you might as well stick to 32-bit code.

If you want output to a MessageBox, it could look like this:

.MODEL flat, stdcall

MessageBoxA PROTO near32 stdcall, window:dword, text:near32,
        windowtitle:near32, style:dword

.stack 8192

message db "Hello World!", 0
windowtitle   db "Win32 Hello World.", 0

main proc
        invoke MessageBoxA, 0, near32 ptr message, near32 ptr windowtitle, 0
main endp
        end main

If you want output to the console, it's (strangely enough) a bit more complex:

.MODEL flat, stdcall

getstdout = -11

WriteFile PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,     \
        handle:dword,                   \
    buffer:ptr byte,        \
        bytes:dword,                    \
        written: ptr dword,             \
        overlapped: ptr byte

GetStdHandle PROTO NEAR32, device:dword

ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32, exitcode:dword

.stack 8192

message db "Hello World!"
msg_size equ $ - offset message

written  dd ?

main proc   
    invoke GetStdHandle, getstdout
    invoke WriteFile,                   \
           eax,                         \
           offset message,              \
           msg_size,                    \
           offset written,              \

    invoke ExitProcess, 0
main endp
        end main

In theory, moving to 64 bit code doesn't make a lot of difference -- for example, you can use the same functions in both. In reality, it's a bit painful, because the calling convention for 64-bit code is somewhat complex, and you can't use MASM's invoke for 64-bit code. Working code wouldn't be a whole lot more complex, but getting the code working probably would be a bit more work. The general idea is that for 64-bit code, you allocate space on the stack for all your parameters, but the first N parameters that are small enough to fit, go in registers.

Jerry Coffin
+1: this is definitely how one could write a "Hello World" app in assembly language.
why is the writing to console so complicated? Back when I was doing assembly, writing a string was a trivial interrupt call... I think it was int 10h, but I can't recall for certain. It was like 4 instructions, no external libraries required.
@rmeador:the length is mostly from the fact that they treat the console as a normal file, and WriteFile takes extra parameters we don't really care much about in this case. In theory you could use `WriteConsoleOutput` or something on that order, but it's non-trivial as well.
Jerry Coffin
Is this really all that's needed? I thought you'd have to set up loads of code sections and stuff. How can an ASM _Windows_ app be so much shorter than all the C++ code needed? It's only a little longer than a C++ console "Hello Word"!
@John:the C++ equivalent of the first one would be: `int main() { return MessasgeBox(NULL, "Hello World!", "Win32 Hello World", MB_OK); }`.
Jerry Coffin
Oh, OK. I never new you could access Win32 API so simply without a load of init code first.
+1  A: 

I advise you find a tool supporting Intel style ASM, rather than AT&T's horrible syntax.

+1  A: 

In fasm:

include ''

        invoke  AllocConsole
        invoke  WriteConsole,<invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE>,tex,tex.size,dummy,0
        invoke  Sleep,-1
.end start

tex     TCHAR   'Hello World!'
 .size  =       ($-tex)
dummy   rd      1   
Jens Björnhager
Seems a bit of a cheat.
How do you reckon?
Jens Björnhager