Applying bitmasking to other types than ints, like strings in your case, is possible if you write your own external function and do the comparison in there, but this is somewhat hardcore stuff if you are not familiar programming with C. MySQL itself only provides bitmask operators for the int type it uses internally.
Edit: Or use the 'LIKE' solution provided by newtower
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While efficient in space and possibly speed, this approach to solve the problem has same disadvantages as having a table with 300 columns. A table with so many columns is very inflexible and adding and removing values requires altering the structure of the table, rather than the data.
While compressing it into one field might seem to solve the problem, it actually makes the data contain the same structure in even more inflexible format, because you are removing the column:data semantics and solely relying on positional data. Making changes to this kind of data storage format will eventually be very time intensive and error prone to code.
It seems to me that you would do better if you inverted your problem and made a table that contains your booleans as rows, instead of having lots of columns. This is often the case. :)
Go with the table structure presented by JYelton instead, or something similar, if possible.