



I'm getting this error while running my ASP.NET app on IIS7. I've tried doing what it says to do but it doesn't help.

The WebResource.axd handler must be registered in the configuration to process this request.

> <!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->
> <configuration>    
>     <system.web>
>        <httpHandlers>
>            <add path="WebResource.axd" verb="GET" type="System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader" validate="True" />
>        </httpHandlers>    
>     </system.web> 
> </configuration>

I'm using a little bit of AJAX which is what I think is causing the issue. Has anyone encountered this before?


In IIS7 you need to add the <httpHandler> section to <system.webServer> instead of <system.web>. Here is an example.

Adding <httpHandler> to that section causes VS to say that there's an invalid child element error. I also tried adding it to the <handlers> section in <system.webServer> but it doesn't solve the problem.
+1  A: 

I figured it out so I'm posting it here for search reasons. It is a bug in ASP.NET and it has to do with having ColdFusion installed. Microsoft hasn't yet released a fix.

There are two ways to fix this.

  1. Change the AppPool in IIS7 to "Classic .NET AppPool". I'm not sure of any implications with this setting.

  2. Remove all the references to ColdFusion from your applicationHost.config file in system32\inetsrv\config.
