So I've been posting this week for help with an API that has asynchronous calls. You can view the CODE here:
With a little more digging, I found out that the API is written in VB.NET and I created a VB.NET example and guess what . . . the asynchronous calls work like a charm.
So, now I need to find out why the calls are not firing in the C# code I have. The API being written in VB really shouldn't matter, but again, the VB.NET code works and my C# does not. Is there a problem with the event handler and hows its being declared that causes it to not fire?
UPDATE VB Code added
Imports ClientSocketServices
Imports DHS_Commands
Imports DHS
Imports Utility
Imports SocketServices
Class Window1
Public WithEvents AppServer As New ClientAppServer
Public Token As LoginToken
Private Sub login()
Dim handler As New LoginHandler
Token = handler.RequestLogin("admin", "admin", localPort:=12000, serverAddress:="", serverLoginPort:=11000, clienttype:=LoginToken.eClientType.Client_Admin, timeoutInSeconds:=20)
If Token.Authenticated Then
AppServer = New ClientAppServer(Token, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReceiveMessage(ByVal rr As RemoteRequest) Handles AppServer.ReceiveRequest
If TypeOf (rr.TransferObject) Is Gateways Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class