I cannot say the code will work because I haven't tested it.
The general idea is to take the captured frame (assuming you're capturing frames) and filter out the noise by modifying the saturation and value(brightness). This modified HSV image is then processed as greyscale. Blobs can be labeled by looping through the blob collection generated by the tracker and assigned id's and bounding boxes.
Also, you may be interested in AForge.net and the related article: Hands Gesture Recognition on the mechanics and implementation of using the histogram for computer vision.
This is a modified version of custom tracker code found on the nui forums:
static void Main(){
Capture capture = new Capture(); //create a camera captue
Image<Bgr, Byte> img = capture.QuerySmallFrame();
BackgroundStatisticsModel bsm = new BackgroundStatisticsModel(img, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BG_STAT_TYPE.FGD_STAT_MODEL);
BlobSeq oldBlobs = new BlobSeq();
BlobSeq newBlobs = new BlobSeq();
ForgroundDetector fd = new ForgroundDetector(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FORGROUND_DETECTOR_TYPE.FGD);
BlobDetector bd = new BlobDetector(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BLOB_DETECTOR_TYPE.CC);
BlobTracker bt = new BlobTracker(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BLOBTRACKER_TYPE.CC);
BlobTrackerAutoParam btap = new BlobTrackerAutoParam();
btap.BlobDetector = bd;
btap.ForgroundDetector = fd;
btap.BlobTracker = bt;
btap.FGTrainFrames = 5;
BlobTrackerAuto bta = new BlobTrackerAuto(btap);
Application.Idle += new EventHandler(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ //run this until application closed (close button click on image viewer)
//******* capture image *******
img = capture.QuerySmallFrame();
bd.DetectNewBlob(img, bsm.Foreground, newBlobs, oldBlobs);
List<MCvBlob> blobs = new List<MCvBlob>(bta);
MCvFont font = new MCvFont(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FONT.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0);
foreach (MCvBlob blob in blobs)
img.Draw(Rectangle.Round(blob), new Gray(255.0), 2);
img.Draw(blob.ID.ToString(), ref font, Point.Round(blob.Center), new Gray(255.0));
Image<Gray, Byte> fg = bta.GetForgroundMask();
public Image<Gray, Byte> OptimizeBlobs(Image<Gray, Byte img)
// can improve image quality, but expensive if real-time capture
// convert img to temporary HSV object
Image<Hsv, Byte> imgHSV = img.Convert<Hsv, Byte>();
// break down HSV
Image<Gray, Byte>[] channels = imgHSV.Split();
Image<Gray, Byte> imgHSV_saturation = channels[1]; // saturation channel
Image<Gray, Byte> imgHSV_value = channels[2]; // value channel
//use the saturation and value channel to filter noise. [you will need to tweak these values]
Image<Gray, Byte> saturationFilter = imgHSV_saturation.InRange(new Gray(0), new Gray(80));
Image<Gray, Byte> valueFilter = imgHSV_value.InRange(new Gray(200), new Gray(255));
// combine the filters to get the final image to process.
Image<Gray, byte> imgTarget = huefilter.And(saturationFilter);
return imgTarget;