A friend of mine, who studies game development at an university, is currently learning programming in OpenCL. What would be a simple project that teaches the most important aspects of OpenCL and can be finished within about 50 - 100 hours?
I suggest to your friend to implement a paper related to game development so it be will something he could put on his resume too and help him getting a job in this industry.
E.g. this one is interesting and roughly 100 hours of times: http://www.unibas.it/erra/Papers/HiBi09.pdf
Stringer Bell
2010-04-19 13:09:05
Yep, nbody particle simulations with well mannered pairwise potential functions work very well on GPU and seem to be the "killer app" so far.
Chad Brewbaker
2010-07-01 16:13:44