I want to create simple custom control (derived from control and with look defined in generics.xaml). I need to change size of elements defined in generic.xaml, when control is resized! It would be great to write some of that generic.xaml part in C#. Is that possible? Or is there a way to create MVVM like custom control? What i am willing to create is simple blinking led control (on,blinking, off).
There's more than one question in your post, but I'll answer the pertinent one: can you supplement your generic.xaml with code.
The answer is yes. Simply add generic.xaml.cs and marry the two up the same way UserControls are. That is:
- Specify x:class in your generic.xaml
- Declare your code-behind as a partial class
- Ensure your partial class inherits from
Kent Boogaart
2010-04-19 10:07:03
Hmm..I was expecting to have more fun there (c#).Can i get similar functionality in general.xaml.cs as in usercontrol class (override onrendersize, add event handlers, access elements by name?!)
2010-04-19 18:49:43
Overriding OnRenderSize wouldn't make sense for a ResourceDictionary. You can do stuff like add event handlers, or add your own items to the RD via code rather than XAML.
Kent Boogaart
2010-04-19 18:56:31