
Try removing the extra space behind the comma where you specify your class and assembly, but I don't think that will fix it.

Your app is looking up your custom class in the System.Web assembly, which is very strange.

I'd use fuslogvw to get more details on the failure.

Gerrie Schenck
Tried both suggestions and still no further forward. Fuslogvw gave me no decent information to track the problem down further.
+2  A: 

I finally found the answer to this and it was so simple!! (He says after hours of searching and debugging).

I just had to tell explicitly say in which assembly my custom provider resided. I thought I only had to do this when specifying the type when adding the provider.

However you need to define when defining your profile in the inherits attribute. Like so:


<profile defaultProvider="MyCompanyProfileProvider" inherits="MyCompany.Web.User.GenericProfile, automaticSaveEnabled="false">


<profile defaultProvider="MyCompanyProfileProvider" inherits="MyCompany.Web.User.GenericProfile, MyCompany.Web" automaticSaveEnabled="false">

Hope this helps somebody else in the future with the same problem.


thanks for answer two that has really helped me :-)
