





I remember a class that formulate a huge number in array and do operations on it, What is it


+5  A: 

You're probably looking for System.Numerics.BigInteger.

Will Vousden
Maybe you should mention that this is .NET-Framework 4 only.
Correct but I only have .Net 3.5, it is .Net 0.4
this is still being upvoted when the OP has stated that he is .net 3.5 only? I suppose the class is there in 3.5, just internal so you could probably use it with some reflection hacks...
Sam Holder
@Sam Holder: I had a look with Reflector, but wasn't able to find something like this in 3.5.
@Bobby: I was referring to something I read in one of the questions I linked to in my answer, I don't know that is the case from experience.
Sam Holder
@Sam Holder: No offense there...I just wanted to say that I couldn't find something. ;) Though, now that you mention it, I can remember that there was/is such a class somewhere in the J# namespaces.
It is hidden in System.Core.dll, same namespace name. You could copy it with Reflector.
Hans Passant
+6  A: 

if you only have 3.5 then some external library should help. there is this one which was linked from this question. There are other questions which have already addressed this too. the search box is your friend :)

Sam Holder