Is there a built in solution in VS 2010 to quick find/open files similar to the Ctrl-Shift-O function in Eclipse?
Thanks, Cody
edit: Does resharper offer this functionality?
Is there a built in solution in VS 2010 to quick find/open files similar to the Ctrl-Shift-O function in Eclipse?
Thanks, Cody
edit: Does resharper offer this functionality?
will bring open a find in files search dialog box. The result will be listed, usually, on the lower section of VS in a Find Files result box. Double clicking a result will open it
will bring up find-in-files dialog. I haven't heard of the functionality that you are looking for; though this may help...
ctl + alt + a opens the command window, type "open" then start typing file names and it will dynamically autocomplete by available solution file name.
Unfortunately, VS doesn't offer this search-as-you-type functionality (and lots more).
I use Ctrl + / to jump to the command bar (same as the search box, but with a > prefixed in the text). I then type "of" (for "open file") and start typing the name of the file to open. Possibly matches are automatically displayed by VS.
I also found that when using ReSharper, the familiar Eclipse shortcut for Open Type (Ctrl + Shift + T) is mapped to ReSharper's GotoFile command.
Visual Assist comes with something like this. You will have to pay for the plugin (and I don't think you can use plugins in the express versions).
(If you're doing C++ and you don't plan to buy Visual Assist, be sure to never install the trial. It's that addictive.)
I'm surprised no one gave the right answer. Navigate To can show you a list of open files and lots more.
CTRL+COMMA is your friend.
this addin will very usefule to quickly open files from visual studio by pressong CTRL + K + O