Projects like this have a habit of getting bigger, quickly, and if they do your XML file will become complex and a burden to manage.
I would not recommend storing the data in an xml file or json - they are just text files by a different name, all suffering from the same problem - you don't have any control over who edits them.
Use some kind of db, starting from the small ones first (Access, SQLLite)
Based on your latest comments, roll forward to a point where the users have been using the app for two years.
- How much data do you expect to have stored by then?
- Will the user(s) need to look back through historic data to see, for example, what they did this time last year
And more so, right now
- What is Teacher A doing on Thursday afternoon
- Will Teacher B be free to attend event on 15th May 2010?
- Can Student C attend event D?
All of these questions/problems are a lot easier/more efficient to handle with SQL. Plus your resulting codebase will make a lot more sense. Traversing XML isn't the prettiest of things to do.
Plus if your user base is familiar with Excel already, linking Excel to a SQL database (and produce custom results) is a lot easier than doing the same with XML.