



I'm converting a list of Foo objects to a JSON string. I need to parse the JSON string back into a list of Foos. However in the following example, parsing gives me a list of JSONObjects instead of Foos.


List list = [new Foo("first"), new Foo("second")]
def jsonString = (list as JSON).toString()

List parsedList = JSON.parse(jsonString) as List
println parsedList[0].getClass() // org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.JSONObject

How can I parse it into Foos instead? Thanks in advance.

+3  A: 

I had a look at the API docs for JSON and there doesn't appear to be any way to parse to a JSON string to a specific type of object.

So you'll just have to write the code yourself to convert each JSONObject to a Foo. Something like this should work:

import grails.converters.JSON
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.*

class Foo {
  def name

  Foo(name) { = name

  String toString() {

List list = [new Foo("first"), new Foo("second")]
def jsonString = (list as JSON).toString()

List parsedList = JSON.parse(jsonString)

// Convert from a list of JSONObject to a list of Foo
def foos = parsedList.collect {JSONObject jsonObject ->
    new Foo(name: jsonObject.get("name"))

A more general solution would be to add a new static parse method such as the following to the JSON metaClass, that tries to parse the JSON string to a List of objects of a particular type:

import grails.converters.JSON
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.json.*

class Foo {
  def name

  Foo(name) { = name

  String toString() {

List list = [new Foo("first"), new Foo("second")]
def jsonString = (list as JSON).toString()

List parsedList = JSON.parse(jsonString)

// Define the new method
JSON.metaClass.static.parse = {String json, Class clazz ->

    List jsonObjs = JSON.parse(json)

    jsonObjs.collect {JSONObject jsonObj ->

        // If the user hasn't provided a targetClass read the 'class' proprerty in the JSON to figure out which type to convert to
        def targetClass = clazz ?: jsonObj.get('class') as Class
        def targetInstance = targetClass.newInstance()        

        // Set the properties of targetInstance
        jsonObj.entrySet().each {entry ->

            if (entry.key != "class") {
                targetInstance."$entry.key" = entry.value


// Try the new parse method
List<Foo> foos = JSON.parse(jsonString, Foo)

// Confirm it worked
assert foos.every {Foo foo -> foo.class == Foo && in ['first', 'second'] }

You can try out the code above in the groovy console. A few warnings

  • I have only performed very limited testing on the code above
  • There are two JSON classes in the latest Grails release, I'm assuming you're using the one that is not deprecated
Would it be possible to inject the attributes of each jsonObj directoy into the field for each new instance of Foo?
@Ali G - No, I think `.properties` is only writeable for Grails domain objects. For regular Groovy objects, I think `.properties` is read-only.
Thanks Don. The generic approach is very nice.
Fair point, Don - I was making some big assumptions there, I guess!

If you are doing this in a Grails controller, and Foo IS indeed a domain object, don't forget that armed with your JSON map, you can also do:

List list = [new Foo("first"), new Foo("second")]
def jsonString = (list as JSON).toString()

List parsedList = JSON.parse(jsonString) as List
Foo foo = new Foo()
bindData(foo, parsedList[0]);