



Hey SO,

I'm new to transactions in general, but especially with CodeIgniter. I'm using InnoDB and everything, but my transactions aren't rolling back when I want them to. Here's my code (slightly simplified).

            $dog_db = $this->load->database('dog', true);

            $dog_id = $this->dogs->insert($new_dog); //Gets primary key of insert
                throw new Exception('We have had an error trying to add this dog.  Please go back and try again.');

            $new_review['dog_id'] = $dog_id;
            $new_review['user_id'] = $user_id;
            $new_review['date_added'] = time();

            if(!$this->reviews->insert($new_review)) //If the insert fails
                throw new Exception('We have had an error trying to add this dog.  Please go back and try again.');

                //ADD DESCRIPTION
            $new_description['description'] = $add_dog['description'];
            $new_description['dog_id'] = $dog_id;
            $new_description['user_id'] = $user_id;
            $new_description['date_added'] = time();

                throw new Exception('We have had an error trying to add this dog.  Please go back and try again.');

                $dog_db->trans_rollback();  //THIS IS JUST TO SEE IF IT WORKS
                throw new Exception('We have had an error trying to add this dog.  Please go back and try again.');


catch(Exception $e)
    echo $e->getMessage();

I'm not getting any error messages, but it's not rolling back either. It should roll back at that final trans_rollback right before the commit. My models are all on the "dog" database, so I think that the transaction would carry into the models' functions. Maybe you just can't use models like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Are your tables InnoDB? Transactions only work for InnoDB tables.

Sam Goldman
Yes, I say that in the second sentence.

Maybe, it's because you connected using $dog_db, and rolling back nonexisting $booze_db transaction ?(or it's a typo?)

Yeah, it's a typo, haha. Edited.