



How do I apply jQueryUI styles to an asp:Button. Here is the problem: jqueryUI button requires you to have the following format <button>Test button</button>

When I try to use an asp button server control, <asp:Button />, asp:Button renders as <input type=button>Test button </input>

Update : I get the standard button styling that jquery provides. However, when I want to make a toolbar out of it, like in this example :, the standard asp:Button fails me....or maybe i am missing something. Thanks in advance,

Sashidhar Kokku

+2  A: 

You can apply the jQuery UI button to a number of different HTML elements: <a>, <input type="button"> and so on.

$(function() {

This will convert all <asp:Button>s on the page into jQuery UI buttons.

Dean Harding
Unfortunately it does not apply the theme properly. Any idea or examples of its implementation anywhere would help.Thanks,Sashidhar Kokku

I'm pretty sure jQuery UI will work fine with button input, as well any other element.
You just need to select the desired element.

+1  A: 
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#<%= Button1.UniqueID %>').click(function() {

    // do something

Martin Ongtangco
+1  A: 

You can assign a style to the ASP.NET buttons, then use the style as a selector to selectively (pardon the pun) apply the jQuery button. For example, if you set the attribute CssClass="special" on the buttons you want to modify, then you would put the following jQuery in your page:

$(function() {

Hope that helps.

BJ Safdie
+1  A: 

The jQuery UI button widget is capable of transforming the following button types:

  • <input type="button" />
  • <input type="submit" />
  • <button></button>

Since the <asp:Button> control renders the first type of HTML, you could include the following in your master page to apply the jQuery transform to all ASP.NET buttons:

Matt Peterson