



Hi everyone,

Before going much further i'll mention I have tried solutions in following:

I am trying to set an icon for my application.

AFAIK, I need potentially 3 images?

  • 1 image is the actual image in explorer when clicking on the .exe (thumbnail for the exe)
  • 1 image (tiny) in the top left corner (16 x 16? Not entirely sure)
  • 1 image in the start menu dock, to the left of the app (maybe 32x32? again not sure)

So thats fine.

Now I have selected an Icon. How do I use it in one of above situations?

I have tried adding it in resources, nothing seems to happen. Following that first SO solution,

"First go to Resource View (from menu: View --> Other Window --> Resource View). Then in Resource View navigate through resources, if any. If there is already a resource of Icon type, added by Visual Studio, then open and edit it. Otherwise right-click and select Add Resource, and then add a new icon."

The resource view is empty, and I cannot right click in this view.

If I right click on the solution > properties > resources > I can add the icon image, but it doesn't show in either of the locations listed above. (or anywhere that I can see)

1) How do I set the application icon for a WPF Application?

+1  A: 

Assuming you use VS Express and C#. The icon is set in the project properties page. To open it right click on the project name in the solution explorer. in the page that opens, there is an Application tab, in this tab you can set the icon.

Thank you for your answer... everything else I have found explains messing around in the resources, but following your solution resources was left completely alone and just set it in the Application tab. Cheers

Hi, if you use axialis software, you can create an icon from any image format. This software will create 16x16, 32x32 to 256x256. It can also create icon for mac too. The final output is *.ico.
