



Hi, I am excuting SQL Query using Nhibernate, here is my code

 public ArrayList getDocumentsForApproval(string ReleaseId)
        string query = string.Format("SELECT distinct doc.Id, doc.Name as Doc, doc.url as url, suser.Name as Author,, CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), doc.DateEntered, 101) as DateEntered FROM dbo.Documents doc INNER JOIN DevelopmentSteps ds ON doc.TypeId = ds.Id INNER JOIN DocumentTrackingItems dti ON doc.Id = dti.DocumentId INNER JOIN TrackingItems ti ON dti.ItemStepId = ti.Id INNER JOIN dbo.Releases rl ON ti.ReleaseId =  rl.BugTrackerName left outer join (select * from users) as suser on doc.AuthorUserid = suser.Id WHERE doc.DateEntered IS NOT NULL AND doc.DateApproved IS NULL AND rl.ID = '{0}'", ReleaseId);
        ISession session = NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession();
        ArrayList document =(ArrayList) session.CreateSQLQuery(query).List();
        return document;

Exception Details: NHibernate.QueryException: Return types of SQL query were not specified [SELECT distinct doc.Id, doc.Name as Doc, doc.url as url, suser.Name as Author,, CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), doc.DateEntered, 101)

What could be the issue? ---- Thanks

+2  A: 

You are fundamentally misunderstanding NHibernate. NHibernate is not like the TypeDataSource classes that return you DataSets/DataTables that aren't real business objects.

NHibernate is meant to work with fully owned objects so you would have something similar to

Public Class Document

    public virtual decimal Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual DateTime DateEntered { get; set; }
    ... so forth  

Then you need to create a mapping file either manually or by code generation for raw HBM mappings or use a tool on top of NH to build mappings programmatically with FluentNHibernate or ConfORM.

You need to learn the basics of NHibernate before attempting to query this is a decent introductory post:

And then for querying you can use for reference.

Chris Marisic