



When form A is modal and it displays a second modal form B, and the modal result for B is set and B then closes, A is also closed.

How can this be prevented?

+8  A: 

This is not true, there has to be some other problem in your code. Setting ModalResult will affect only the currently modal form. Try this very simple example:

  • Create a new form

  • Drop a button onto it

  • In the button OnClick event handler add this code:

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      with TForm1.Create(Self) do begin
        if ShowModal = mrCancel then
          Self.Color := RGB(Random(256), Random(256), Random(256));

You will observe that each button press creates a new modal form, and you can repeat this as often as you wish. Closing a form will set its ModalResult to mrCancel and re-enable the parent form. To exit the application you will need to close all forms, one by one, in the opposite order of creation.

Correct, after some searching and testing I found that - wait for it - "somehow......" the button had a ModalResult of mrNo and after the second dialog closed, the right thing was done by the form class and the dialog was closed.