




I am at the end of my knowledge and googled for the answer too but no luck :/

Week ago everything worked well.

I did a revert on the repository, recreated the tableadapter etc... nothing helped.

When I try to save in my application I get an SystemInvalidCastException at this point:


partial class P_GroupTableAdapter
    public int Update(PersonListDataSet.P_GroupDataTable dataTable, string userId)
        this.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters["@userId"].Value = userId;
        this.Adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters["@userId"].Value = userId;
        this.Adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters["@userId"].Value = userId;

        return this.Update(dataTable); **<-- Exception occurs here**

Everything is stuck here because a Guid - and I checked the datatable preview with the magnifier tool its really a true Guid in the column of the datatable - can not be converted to a string ??? How can that happen?

+1  A: 

Have you tried:

this.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters["@userId"].Value = new Guid(userId);
this.Adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters["@userId"].Value = new Guid(userId);
this.Adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters["@userId"].Value = new Guid(userId);

Hope it helps!!!

Carlos Mendible