



I am using jQuery cycle in several galleries with #next #prev navigation and a image counter output.

Now I am trying to connect all these galleries together. If the user reaches the final slide of gallery A (galleryA.html), the #next anchor should point to gallery B (galleryB.html) / the #prev anchor should point to gallery C (galleryC.html).

How can I combine my 2 functions to do that?

// slideshow fx
$(function() {
        fx:     'fade',
        speed:  350,        
        prev:   '#prev', 
        next:   '#next', 
        timeout: 0,
        after:     onAfter
//image counter output
function onAfter(curr,next,opts) {
    var caption = 
        (opts.currSlide + 1) + opts.slideCount;


<div id="slideshow-container">

<div class="slideshow-nav"><a id="prev" href=""></a></div>
<div class="slideshow-nav"><a id="next" href=""></a></div>

<div id="slideshow" class="pics">
    <img src="galleryA/01.jpg" />
    <img src="galleryA/02.jpg" />
    <img src="galleryA/03.jpg" />
    <img src="galleryA/04.jpg" />
    <img src="galleryA/05.jpg" />
    <img src="galleryA/06.jpg" />
+1  A: 

Not too familiar with the cycle plugin, but you could put something like this in function onAfter:

if(opts.currSlide == opts.slideCount) { 

or you could try

if(opts.currSlide == opts.slideCount) { 
 $("#next").click(function() { document.location = "galleryB.html"; });

Untested, something along those lines?

Basically it only attaches the redirect behaviour onto #next after the last slide has been shown.. There might be an onFinish option or something, have you checked the docs?

Thanks for the hints. I will try all the possibilities along those lines I can come up with.jQuery Cycle features an end option:end: null, // callback invoked when the slideshow terminates (use with autostop or nowrap options): function(options)I think I am in trouble because I trying to rotate withing image groups and galleries, so the #prev and #next anchors do 2 things, rotate within a group of images and when reaching the end (on either side!) will goto the next or prev gallery.
$(function() {
        fx:     'fade',
        speed:  350,        
        prev:   '#prev', 
        next:   '#next', 
        timeout: 0, 
        after:   onAfter
    function onAfter(curr,next,opts) {
        var caption = '<p><span>' + (opts.currSlide + 1) + '</span> /' + opts.slideCount + '</p>';

        if(opts.currSlide + 1 == opts.slideCount) { 
         $("#next").click(function() { document.location = "galleryB.html"; })
        if(opts.currSlide + 1 == 1) { 
         $("#prev").click(function() { document.location = "galleryD.html"; })

Cycling forward with #next works fine but cycling backwards with #prev doesn't. If am e.g. in galleryA on image 5/10 and I press #prev, I jump to galleryD instead of image 4/10 ... why?



You can have a look here :

It is not so easy to integrate 2 synchronized cycles in the same page ... In this sample there is no reload of the page with location=... but the 2 galleries are managed using the different commands of the cycle plugin.

Regards, Dominique VINCENT

Holy...! Big thanks for your effort and time. It will take me a couple of days to understand everything :-OI really need to get your JS skills ...