I am having a table which has three fields, namely LM_code,M_Name,Desc. LC_code is a autogenerated string Id, keeping this i am updating M_Name and Desc. I used normal update command, the value is passing in runtime but the fields are not getting updated. I hope using oledb parameters the fields can be updated.
Here is my code.
public void Modify()
String query = "Update Master_Accounts set (M_Name='" + M_Name + "',Desc='" + Desc + "') where LM_code='" + LM_code + "'";
DataManager.RunExecuteNonQuery(ConnectionString.Constr, query);
In DataManager Class i am executing the query string.
public static void RunExecuteNonQuery(string Constr, string query)
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(Constr);
OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand(query, myConnection);
catch (Exception ex)
string Message = ex.Message;
throw ex;
if (myConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
private void toolstModify_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtamcode.Enabled = true;
jewellery.LM_code = txtamcode.Text;
jewellery.M_Name = txtaccname.Text;
jewellery.Desc = txtdesc.Text;
MessageBox.Show("Data Updated Succesfully");